Most of you are aware of the recent discussion taking place in our neighborhood. Let's review the facts:
1. The HOA Board was informed that a preschool is being operated in one of the homes in our community.
2) The Board, after much consideration and research into similar situations in the Treasure Valley, started by informing the business operators/homeowners that the CC&Rs prohibit the use of residences for commercial purposes,
3. The Board made the majority of the neighborhood aware of the situation via email for the sole purpose of "feeling out" the neighborhood. Their intention was to get an very informal idea of where our neighbors stand on the issue of commercial business use. The Board chose to inform the community via email because of the money saved on printing, stuffing, and postage, while still in this very preliminary stage. This was not an official vote and the Board did not make any decisions as to the future of this issue. The Board did not suggest an ammendment to the CC&Rs.
There were many emails back and forth on this topic and many of you stated your concerns clearly and made your opinion known. Once the 15 day comment period has expired, an informative letter will be sent to every homeowner, including the date and location of the next community meeting and an agenda for that meeting.
Discussion may continue in the comments section of this post. If you would like to post a comment, simply type it into the box labeled "Post a Comment" directly under this article. You will be able to read other's comments and post your own. Don't forget to include your name.
Please remember that we are all neighbors, and while our definition of "commercial business" may differ, we should keep the discussion to the point and make no personal judgements of other's opinions.